By Michele Mitchum

Award recognizes Booker’s significant contributions and leadership within the professional association and higher education

University of Phoenix is proud to announce that Marc Booker, Ph.D., vice provost of strategy for the University, is the inaugural recipient of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (PACRAO) Impact Award. This award recognizes individuals who make a significant contribution to PACRAO through service and leadership on committees or service as a member of the Executive Board. It honors those who have made significant and sustained contributions to the association beyond their first years as a member.

“I am truly honored to have been recognized by PACRAO as the first recipient of their Impact Award based on my contributions to this association,” shares Booker.  “PACRAO has been instrumental in the professional development of myself and so many others that I have been driven to try and give back to this dynamic organization in any way that I can.  To know that my efforts have made a difference in the minds of this esteemed group is the greatest recognition one could hope for and is a testament to the virtuous cycle that can be created when we focus on the growth and betterment of the people we work with and our institutions.”

PACRAO is a non-profit, voluntary, professional association representing more than 350 regionally accredited 2-year, 4-year, and graduate schools with an individual membership of 1,500 professional admissions officers and registrars. The Association provides conferences and other professional development opportunities for the consideration of professional issues common to its members. PACRAO also provides an avenue for members to contribute to the general advancement of higher education, their professions, and their individual careers.

“It was a joy to be able to recognize Marc with this award,” stated PACRAO President Tina Miller. “He has consistently stepped up, stepped in, and made a difference – in everything from leadership roles, to teaching our Leadership Development Institute cohorts, to serving as parliamentarian, and more. Marc has truly made a lasting impact on PACRAO and its members. He is an inspiration.”

In 2022, Booker was selected as the Dean of the Leadership Development Institute for PACRAO and he served as the President of the Association in 2016. Since 2009, Booker also has been a regular speaker, contributor, and subject matter expert at national and regional conferences for AACRAO, PACRAO, The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, EDUCAUSE, and Anthology Together, sharing insight on various topics including leadership, process improvement, change management, prior learning assessment, transfer credit, and articulation.

As Vice Provost for Strategy at the University of Phoenix, Booker oversees critical path academic initiatives to improve the student experience, such as learning platform implementations, curricular enhancements, and developing empathetic solutions to drive improved student outcomes through data. He is the recipient of the 2024 UPCEA Operational Excellence Award,  the 2024 AACRAO Thomas A. Bilger Award, and in 2023 was part of a leadership team named winners of the Catalyst Award for Teaching & Learning. In 2020, Booker received a Hall of Fame recognition from Blackboard.

Widely recognized as an expert in transfer credit and Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), Booker previously served as vice president of Admissions and Evaluation at University of Phoenix; during his tenure, his office received three Showcase in Excellence Awards from the Southwest Alliance for Excellence for processes related to admissions application, transcript, and prior learning assessment processes.

Booker has been an employee of the University of Phoenix since 2001.

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